Colophon Details

Font-family: Open Sans (Google Fonts) and Georgia
Base font-size: 16px/1.5
Paragraph text font: 1.1875em/1.5 Georgia
Colors: #333333, #FFFFFF, #000000, #FF0000, #F2EFD3, #E4E4E4, #990000, #009933, #076394, #2C6B94, #666666, #BCBCBC
CMS: WordPress
Add-ons & Plug-ins: JavaScript, jQuery, Breadcrumb NavXT, Royal PrettyPhoto, Responsive Menu, Share Buttons by AddToAny, Contact Form 7, Really Simple CAPTCHA, Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator
Software: Various desktop and mobile browsers, Dreamweaver, WordPress CMS editor, Photoshop, Illustrator, SketchBook for Galaxy
Hardware: Windows, Mac, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Wacom Intuos Pen Tablet
Website Inspiration: Volunteer with Mozilla (2015) and an old WP theme tutorial from Line 25 (2011) Menu