Format: Flash or HTML5 (for LMS use)
Size: (expands to browser window size)
Presentation Time: Approximately 11 min.
Hardware: Windows machine, Blue Snowball microphone
Software: Storyline 2, Flash, Illustrator, Audition
Copyright: 2016 Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Rockville, MD. This instructional module may not be used for any other purpose than as a portfolio piece for the creator (Jeff Swab) and as training material for the copyright owner (MCPS).
The two items shown above are instructional modules that I created for a unit about hands-only CPR for an online high school health course. The modules are part of Lesson 2 in a unit comprised of five lessons.
I created both modules with Storyline 2 on a Windows machine and used a unidirectional condenser microphone for recording the audio. I recorded the audio either directly in Storyline 2 or in Adobe Audition.
I drew the animated text in the presentation with Adobe Illustrator and then exported the vector illustration as a .swf file. I edited the .swf file in Adobe Flash in order to time the words with the audio file. I exported the new file as a .swf movie and imported it into the Storyline file. The use of a Flash movie was necessary in order to display the text as a vector image with a transparent background; Storyline does not support vector or transparent images, so the Flash movie was a workaround.
The matching game is a simple drag-and-drop interaction that I created in Storyline 2. The results slide requires students to retry the game until they receive a 100%.
The presentation and game are SCORM conformant and meet accessibility requirements.